Artistry from the Ecosystem, Up Close

It takes a lot of artistry from a lot of people to create the elements needed in a belly dancing show, from musicians to costume designers, and all the way to master dancers who inspire and teach the next generation. I feel so lucky to have experienced these amazing artists up close!

Ehab Tawfik

In 2017, I attended a fundraiser in Santa Clara, California, that featured one of my absolute favorite singers: composer, pop star, professor and entertainer Ehab Tawfik! I have danced to his songs in my shows and loved them for years. When he pulled me onstage and then onto a (wobbly) chair, I thought I had died and gone to belly dancer heaven.

I apologize for the poor quality of video. My husband was not prepared (nor was I), so I’m sure he was trying to juggle the phone while navigating the crowd. And iPhone cameras weren’t nearly as awesome then as they are today. But I figure that something is better than nothing!


If you’re even a little bit familiar with the world of belly dancing, you know Dina: I (and others) consider her to be the last in a long line of classic Egyptian belly dancers. Watching her show in Cairo in 2012 was an immersive lesson in the power of musical interpretation — and also quick costume changes, as she wore each one for only 1-2 dances before changing again. This is a photo of us at 4:30 AM after her show. I was surprised when she started dancing around 2 AM, but then I realized she probably had already danced at a wedding (or two). She was worth staying up for!


I always try to buy directly from artists, and here I am with costume designer Aziz. We found his atelier, which was in his Cairo apartment, only after our driver asked many locals for directions. I will always remember his telling me, with a twinkle in my eye, that I must wear high heels in this costume and let the skirt flow behind me — just as Golden Era goddess Samia Gamal did. In fact, he purported to have two chairs that she had gifted to him. He also gave me a piece of advice that I only recently heeded: he told me to create a compendium of my dancing every year. I’m sure he came to this conclusion after dressing many a belly dancer who was nostalgic for years past. Sadly, he passed away not very long after I saw him. Hopefully, he would have been proud of my work on this website!